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We are a gospel-centered community on mission to love God, to love each other, and to love our city.

Jan 17, 2019

At the beginning of each new year it can be tempting to look back on the previous year and want to forget everything. It’s tempting to say, “last year was a wash, but this year I’m going to be and do something entirely new.“

However, this tends to be an over-reaction and is not always necessary. Rather than...

Jan 7, 2019

At the beginning of each new year it can be tempting to look back on the previous year and want to forget everything. It’s tempting to say, "Last year was a wash, but this year I’m going to be and do something entirely new." However, this tends to be an over-reaction and is not always necessary. Rather than casting...

Jan 3, 2019

Join us Sunday as we worship, celebrate, and reflect upon the second coming of Jesus.