Apr 28, 2018
Sermon by Josh Hibbard, April 22, 2018
"My identity is the most important characteristic or value in my life."
Our lives are shaped daily by what we regard as our "identity". We may not consciously speak of ourselves in that way, but think about it: everything we say, do and desire is strongly connected with one or...
Apr 21, 2018
Jesus is the Better Answer 1 John 2 Sermon by Kyle Seick, April 15, 2018 --- We do not move past Jesus. Jesus is the better answer for three distinct questions: How are we forgiven? How do we know the Father? How do we overcome the evil one? He is the better answer for these divisive questions, questions that...
Apr 13, 2018
Where in my life is darkness?
Are there things in my life in which I do not invite God to enter? Are there things that separate me from God? Things that I hide from God?
Today we seek push into the hard parts of our heart. We seek to intentionally ask God to shine his light into our hearts, reminding us that there is...